
Join the Movement. Leave Your Footprint.

Barefoot College International was founded with the vision of addressing the unique challenges faced by rural communities worldwide, by working hand-in-hand with them to develop sustainable solutions.

Our mission is driven by the power of our global network, which includes dedicated supporters, partners, and volunteers, all working together to galvanize change and empower these communities through innovative education, skill-building, and collaborative action. There are many ways to be ‘Barefoot’, whether that be to get involved through a corporate partnership, support us by fundraising, or volunteer at one of our regional training centres.

Join us and get involved on this transformative journey as we strive to make a lasting impact on the lives of millions, fostering hope and resilience for generations to come.

Work with us and turn your inspiration into action

At Barefoot College International, we believe in the power of collaboration and are committed to working with a diverse range of partners to create lasting change. By joining forces with NGOs, governments, corporate partners, community-based organizations, and individuals, we are able to amplify our impact, transforming the lives of those in need.

We are always eager to collaborate with passionate, fearless individuals and teams who share our mission of driving genuine, grassroots change through sustainable solutions. Our unique, community-driven approach ensures that our initiatives are tailored to the specific needs and aspirations of the communities we serve, fostering a strong sense of ownership and lasting change.

Partnering with Barefoot College International is an opportunity to be part of an inspiring, global movement with a proven track record of making a meaningful difference. By working together, we can empower marginalized communities, cultivate resilience, and ensure a brighter, more sustainable future for all. Don’t miss the chance to contribute to a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive – join us today.

Work With Us

We’re truly grateful for your interest in joining our global movement to empower and protect rural women and communities around the world.

There are a number of ways to get involved and support the work we do.


Volunteer With Us

We are always welcoming passionate and committed volunteers to work with us, either as part of our global digital team or via our regional training centres.

Whether you’re looking to support with fundraising or communications, or keen to help with monitoring and evaluating our work, we’re keen to hear from you today! Similarly, if you’d like to visit and work at one of our training centres, get in touch today to hear about any available opportunities.

We are a truly global community, and welcome people from around the world to support with our work.

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Partner With Us

Corporations seeking to make a significant social impact through their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives will find an ideal partner in Barefoot College International. Our work aligns with 14 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), demonstrating our commitment to addressing the most pressing global challenges.

By partnering with us, your organization will contribute to a range of vital causes, from promoting quality education and eradicating poverty to advancing gender equality and ensuring access to clean energy. Together, we can create transformative, sustainable solutions that benefit communities around the world, while enhancing your company’s reputation as a responsible, forward-thinking corporate citizen.

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Deliver With Us

Barefoot College International welcomes collaboration with other organisations who share our vision and are eager to work directly with us in developing and delivering impactful programs worldwide.

Globally we work with organisations such as World Food Programme, WWF and UN Women. joining forces, and combining our strengths, expertise, and resources to create innovative, sustainable solutions that address the most pressing global challenges. We believe that working together with like-minded NGOs, governments, and multilateral organizations can amplify our collective impact, empowering marginalized communities and fostering positive change.

If your organisation is committed to making a difference and seeking a partner in creating transformative, community-driven programmes, join us at Barefoot College International to shape a brighter, more equitable future for all.

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Other ways to get involved


Find out more about the jobs available with barefoot college around the world – from medical staff to logisticians, curriculum developers to project management.

Get in touch

Have a great idea for how to spread the word? Want to collaborate on a brand new project with us? We can’t wait to hear from you.

Contact Us

Become a partner

Collaborate with us in the field through funding opportunities or via a corporate sponsorship. We’re always looking to grow our network.


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