Start Date: July 12, 2018
Location: Amphitheatre, Barefoot College New Campus

11am – 2pm Celebrate @ Our Amphitheatre

On this day in 1997 Malala Yousafzai was born in Pakistan and in 2013 on the same day i.e.12th July she gave her historic address in United Nations. From 2014 onwards, United Nations has decided to celebrate this day as Malala Day in her honour.
As part of the Malala Project, we are celebrating Malala Day 2018. Malala has actively spoken about the rights of children,especially girls, and their education. On the same lines, we will give an open platform to around 20 girls from Ajmer district to voice their opinions and share their stories with various government officials who have the authority and intent to brink change. Also, the girls intend to submit petitions about the issues affecting them and their village. There will also be a performance highlighting the core issues of the Malala Project.

Purpose & Outcome

We wish to provide a platform to adolescent girls to speak up im front of people who will hear them and take  necessary actionswhich they don’t get. We want them to advocate for their rights themselves as boldly and without fear. We also want to showcase what the Malala Project is about and what have we achieved so far.

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