Category: Education

The right tools for women to lead
Enriche is aptly named. Barefoot College Solar Mamas are trained as engineers. They learn critical technical skills to perform an amazing task: Solar electrify their villages and maintain the grid for maximum efficiency. This is...
1 Vote Can Put Us In The History Books
This week only, Barefoot College is competing for an award from the Times of India. Your vote can help us win! The Times of India Social Impact Award recognizes “several enlightened people and groups that have taken...
Rural Communities in Fiji to be solar electrified by Barefoot College Women Graduates
Joint Press Release: Ministry of Social Welfare, Women & Poverty Alleviation, UN Women, the Indian High Commission and Barefoot College. Ten women will soon set foot again on Fiji soil after having been away from...
In pictures: Villagers' Barefoot College
No training. It is a photographic exhibition with a difference. These pictures were taken by villagers from the Indian state of Rajasthan. Most were illiterate, untrained in photography using simple cameras lent or given to...
Solar Mamas is among the first films to receive the Hilton Worldwide...
Watch Jehane Noujaim Verder liggen alle nummers anders op?het roulettewiel . and Mona Eldaief share their experiences in creating this film.



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